'Blue Bloods' Season 14 - 7 Cast Members Are Returning!

The CBS drama, which chronicles the lives of the Reagan family and their relationship with the New York Police Department (NYPD), has been renewed for Season 14 in 2023, without a premiere date yet.
However, we do know which cast members will be returning for Season 14 of Blue Bloods.
Find out who is coming back for Blue Bloods Season 14…
Donnie Wahlberg as Detective Danny Reagan

Bridget Moynahan as ADA Erin Reagan

Will Estes as Officer/Sergeant Jamie Reagan

Len Cariou as Commissioner (ret.) Henry Reagan

Marisa Ramirez as Detective Maria Baez

Vanessa Ray as Officer Eddie Janko-Reagan

Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan

I agree grandpa can die off, Eddie can get shot and leave Erin and jack can get back together and move off and bring fall the rest back
Where are Abigail Hawk (“Abigail Baker”) and Gregory Jbara (“Garrett Moore”)???
Please don’t cut them out.Awesome!! Wish all of them come back but so happy that there will be another season!!
My favorite show🇺🇸👍🚓
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I still say Anthony, Baker and Garret are too important to the story to leave. Sean can go away to collage. Pops can die off, he has been sick and has a heart problem and cancer. He is not important to the story. to me he is not a main character. That is just one persons opinion.