Heartland Season 17 Episode 5 Reveals The New Ty Borden!

In Heartland Season 17, Episode 5, titled "How to Say Goodbye," there is a storyline involving a character's death and a subplot introducing Nathan Jr. as a potential replacement for Ty Borden. While many fans may believe that Ty cannot be easily replaced, I can provide insights into the writers' approach in incorporating Nathan Jr. and how this new character fits into the series.

What are your thoughts on Nathan Jr.? Do you think he can fill the void left by Ty? Share your opinions below!

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  1. Ray Thompson says:

    The show is not the same without Ty. I think he should be brought back. Show is boring without his character. There are alot of ways the writers could bring him back. I really want to see Heartland continue, but I think that is the only way that it will

  2. margaritoguzman says:

    I will not watch the show!!! it is not the same !! with ty not being there with Amy the show would do a lot better!! with ty, in it Nathan does not fit with Amy at all .....

  3. Kathy Acton says:

    Bring back Graham Wardle or nobody. We all love him and he can not be replaced. Everyone I know that watches the show will lose interest in watching. We WANT WARDLE BACK!!!

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