First Date Chit-Chat: What's Off the Table?

Learn what topics to steer clear of for a successful first date
dating advice

Alright, folks! Summer's over, and for all you singles out there, it's time to dive back into the wild world of dating. But let's be real - dating can be as tricky as trying to eat spaghetti on a rollercoaster. There are so many unspoken rules, it's like trying to play chess blindfolded!

Lucky for us, the kind folks at Match (you know, the dating app) have done some digging. They've asked singles what topics are best left in the "do not open" box on a first date. And boy, did they spill the tea!

So, what's the verdict? Drum roll, please...

  • 47% say talking about exes is a big no-no. (Yeah, nobody wants to hear about your "crazy" ex on date number one!)
  • 39% think politics should stay off the menu. (Save those heated debates for later, folks!)
  • 32% reckon personal finances are better left undiscussed. (Your credit score can wait, trust me.)

Oh, and get this - sex, religion, and even sports are on the "proceed with caution" list. Interestingly, more women than men prefer to keep sex talk off the table. I guess "What's your favorite position... on climate change?" isn't the best ice-breaker after all!

So, what's your take? Is dating a blast or a bust?

🎉 Hell yeah, it's a party! - Thanks for voting! - Thanks for voting!
😅 It's fun, but can be a bit of a rollercoaster. - Thanks for voting! - Thanks for voting!
🤷‍♂️ Meh, what else am I supposed to do?
😰 It's tougher than a two-dollar steak!
🙅‍♀️ Not as scary as some make it out to be.
🏃‍♂️ I'm running in the opposite direction!
🤔 Still figuring it out...

Now, here's a plot twist - apparently, chatting about dates is no longer taboo. A whopping 69% of singles are happy to gab about their dating adventures. Women seem to be leading the charge in this open-book policy.

So, who's getting all the juicy details? Well:

  • 82% are spilling the beans to their buddies
  • 20% are keeping it in the family, chatting with siblings
  • 17% are bringing some excitement to the water cooler talk with colleagues

There you have it, folks! The dos and don'ts of first-date chatter. Remember, when in doubt, stick to safe topics like your pet rock collection or your ability to quote entire episodes of Friends. Happy dating, you crazy kids!

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